

An obligation is a financial bond. This is a negotiable debt corresponding to a portion of a loan (offer  bye the promoter who wishes to finance a project) from its moneylenders (here investors, member of Global service). The  issuance's bond indent definite the terms of the loan (amont, benefit, payback, start date, end date…). So when you buy a bond, you lend money to the offerer of the bond. The latter has a obligation  towards you and obliged to pay you back at the financial commitment of the bond. The bond yield is therefore the remuneration of your loan. Th offerer pays you in the end  benefit (the coupon) calculated according to the titular price of the bond.

The Global Service platform is intend to help finance real estate, transport, hotel, agricultural project... The investment type proposed to project promoters is in form of an offer to subscribe non convertible ordinary bonds issue by structure exclusively intend to carry the  program concerned. 

Project holders are rigorously selected. The supporting organisation which present he project is formed  under the rules of a certified  company. If it does not already exist on the date of presentation of the project, it is instituted  prior to the financing operation.

The bonds sent out by this organisation are for a variable duration depending on the projects, it can last between 2 and 3 years. The bonds issued are fixed-rate and single-coupon bonds, the rate being determined in agreement with the holder of the project and fixed between 7% and 10%. The amount of funds raised for selected projects is between 150,000 and 2,500,000 dollars.

At the end of the proposed scheme and with regard to the chosen investment type, the investment is made directly by the investor by the subscription of bonds issued directly or indirectly by the company carrying project.

With Global Service, you will, due to your investment, help a project developer to acquire a building or a building site to design a construction program (Housing, office, hotel, trade ...).

It is therefore not a question of buying a real estate property for several people but rather  a financial way allowing the promoter to help himself in his contribution of own funds with his banking partners. The time limit and conditions of release are predictable and contractual. Production cycles are known (between 12 and 36 months), you invest a starting capital and are paid between 7 and 10% per year if the operation is a success.

Thus, you subscribe directly online non-convertible bonds of the company that carries the project. The legal form of the company in which you invest is and will always be one of the accepted forms in Haiti, to avoid that the investor, is in solidarity with the eventual debt of the company.

However, this type of investment include risks (risk of loss of capital, risk of illiquidity …), it can be  suitable for investors able to immobilize money for a long time, by the illiquid nature of the investment, and could therefore not suitable for investors with a relatively short investment horizon.

it is necessary to create your account (by filling in the contact form) immediately after having sent your bond (by westenunion) on our platform in order to be able to follow on our workshop the advancement of the projects selected by our commitments committee . please keep your money transfer slip as it is your coupon.

Finance and project management combine for a perfect control of the financial circuits. Global Service offers an investment for project by subscribing to non-convertible bonds (simple bonds) of a limited company. This new expertise allows Global Service to directly offer the project promoters handpicked.

Global Service's experts conduct the investors in their project. For instance the saver selects a real estate project then chooses its investment amount (minimum 100 $). His payment is blocked on an escrow account. When all financing and bank guarantees are amassed, the payment is debited. The buildings are sold on scheme and then delivered. The investor then recovers his initial payment and the potential yield between 7 and 10% * annual, depending on the transaction. This operation is sprawl between 2 and 3 years depending on the project chosen. Global service does not take any fees from investors and is paid by the promoter up to 10% of the amount raised. The capital invested in a project by Global Service has made the acquisition of real estate a reality. This security, coupled with high-performance compensation, makes the operation particularly attractive.

Crowdfunding specialist, Global Service is subject to compliance with the applicable regulations . By becoming a member of a network, this method of financing makes it possible to fructify your money in a personalized, interactive and community way. 

Real estate is an extremely powerful investment. There are three types of separate investments that you will find below. Global Service  is specialized in 3rd point.

here are three types of investment:

1-purchase and resale of property

• the ability to buy at the right price
• the growth of the real estate market
The timing and conditions of release are not predictable and market dependent . This type of investment requires a lot of cash available. The underlying of this investment is the old real estate.

2-The acquisition of a property for rental 

It is a question of acquiring a housing or a trade in order to rent it to a third party.

This acquisition results in a rent payment representing a return called rental yield.

This strategy is based on:

• the ability to buy at a good price

• the ability to rent with the best return

The deadline to make liquid its investment is long (15 to 20 years), capital gains are uncertain and depend on the real estate market. At acquisition cost can be added management costs, maintenance, sometimes see changes in taxation that can affect profitability. The quality of the manager, the trustee and the sales agent are crucial (especially in the context of new housing construction or renovations new).

But the majority of these passive investments are limited to institutional investors or investors who have the capital, energy, and time to acquire and manage themselves.

3-Financing of a new construction operation or major renovation 

Commonly called real estate promotion. It involves acquiring a building plot to design a building program (housing, offices, etc.), obtaining the necessary urban planning authorizations (building permit, prior declaration, etc.). technical solution to build the program, to validate the ability to market the products envisaged, to obtain the necessary guarantees and insurances, to market these products and finally to build the building or buildings.

This is ultimately an industrial strategy. The expected gains are based essentially on:
• workmanship of programming (housing, office, social ...)
• the ability to build
• perfect control of financial and legislative processes

The time and release conditions are predictable and contractual. The production cycles are known. The requested liquidities are low because the quality projects are supported by the banks. The underlying of this investment is new real estate and strong demand for real estate.

Crowdfunding in real estate: a new career at the crossroads of a double financial and real estate expertise

Global Service has chosen to transpose the new business model of crowdfunding to real estate development. Indeed, today, a large proportion of real estate projects fail because of lack of funding and banks reduce real estate loans.

At the same time, Haiti has a real deficit of 500000 housing units, particularly for projects with strong environmental and social components. This product of Global Service, is the harvest  of the meeting between chartered accountant and  specialist in real estate, they have a perfect control of financial circuits and real estate development to overcome the traditional banking system and offer its investors a high profitability.

This new investment mode is controlled and monitored, Global Service has developed a partnership with a banking institution to partially finance the real estate project.

Crowdfunding is a way of raising funds by bringing together a large number of people to finance projects. Crowdfunding is part of the so-called collaborative economy.

In 2016, € 233.8 million was collected on Internet platforms in France, representing a growth of 40% compared to 2015.The haitiain government estimates 500,000 new homes needed per year in Haiti, to meet this demand, builders need investment funds often demanding too high returns, threatening the feasibility of operations.

Global Service's crowdfunding platform was created in the context of a crisis marked by a cruel lack of new housing and rental price often prohibitive in a large cities.A spirit of innovation articulated around the same philosophy that is to connect an investor and a project without intermediary or management company. The contributor of capital invests directly in the project that he considers the most relevant. 

Thus you gives  the opportunity for many families to access property at a controlled price in new eco-friendly homes. Global Service also suggest its offer in attractive cities where the need for housing construction is known.

Global Service allows you to enter the economic world of tomorrow, and thus give meaning to its investments by participating in the financing of housing construction.

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